October 29,2019 |
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker House of Representatives H-232 Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20515 |
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader House of Representatives H-204 Capitol Building Washington, D.C. 20515 |
The Honorable Raul Grijalva Chairman |
The Honorable Rob Bishop Ranking Member |
House Natural Resources Committee 1324 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 |
House Natural Resources Committee 1329 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 |
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader McCarthy, Chairman Grijalva, and Ranking Member Bishop:
The National Wildlife Federation, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, and Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership write to express our support for H.R. 1373, the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act, H.R. 823, the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act, and
H.R. 2181, the Chaco Cultural Heritage Protection Act. These three pieces of legislation would help protect key natural, cultural and water resources for fish and wildlife and all Americans who live, work, and recreate in the Southwest. We appreciate their consideration by the House of Representatives and encourage support from all members.
The Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act would help protect the health of tribal people in Arizona, the water quality of the Colorado River, and numerous wildlife species, while still allowing for the multiple-use of these public lands. Despite the Department of the Interior’s mineral withdrawal for the area, it is crucial that Congress act to permanently protect the lands around Grand Canyon National Park. Future uranium mining could irreparably harm the health of local residents, water supplies, and the fish and wildlife that call this place home.
The Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act would designate new wilderness, special management and national recreation areas, among others to ensure that we always have special places in Colorado to hunt, fish, and recreate. The bill would safeguard approximately 400,000 acres of Colorado’s most wild and historic landscapes that define Colorado and ensure a way of life. Particularly important is the sprawling Thompson Divide—a one-of-a-kind landscape rich with wild country and abundant fish and wildlife populations. Roughly half of the area is roadless providing refuge for numerous economically and ecologically important wildlife species, including large populations of elk.
The Chaco Cultural Heritage Protection Act would protect the area and cultural sites around Chaco Canyon from oil and gas development. Chaco Canyon is a world heritage site known globally for its archaeological significance and cultural importance. Containing over 5,000 fragile archaeological artifacts, and with buildings and sacred dwellings still standing from the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries, Chaco Canyon is home to an ancient network of villages, sacred shrines and communications sites. Modern-day pueblos and tribes throughout the Southwest claim cultural affiliation and connection to Chaco Canyon, which attracts thousands of visitors every year.
Our organizations have sought protection for these landscapes, and the fish, wildlife, and people who call them home, for years. They are the right policies to enact for Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico—leaving a public lands legacy to future generations. We are proud to lend our full support to these bills and urge their passage by the House of Representatives.
Thank you, and please do not hesitate to contact us.
Land Tawney
President and CEO
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Collin O’Mara
President and CEO
National Wildlife Federation
Whit Fosburgh President and CEO
Theodore Roosevelt ConservationPartnership