Other agenda items include:
• A review of material from previous meetings;
• BLM update on Wolverine Creek Road changes and repairs scheduled for 2019;
• East Fork of Blacktail Creek road status, road easements and status of bridges; a discussion on whether the road will remain open in the spring for antler hunters;
• Discussion of the controversy over the 40 acres of state land on the Brown Ranch Road during this past hunting season;
• Connector roads between BLM and state land; a discussion of several roads in Beaverhead County that the BLM has open road designation on that don’t follow through on state land;
• A discussion with FWP wardens on travel management in the Badger Pass, Chris’s Cabin, and Vinegar Hill area in Sage Creek.
The public is welcome to attend the meetings. Opportunity will be provided for public comment.
The Beaverhead Recreation Working Group, which was formed in spring 2018, is made up of ranchers, hunters, recreationists, conservation groups and agency people seeking to solve issues surrounding access and recreation management in southwest Montana. The group provides an opportunity for discussion about the status of recreation, hunting and agency actions. In the past, the group has tackled such issues as hunter ethics, resource damage from off-road driving, sportsmen-landowner relations and modifying state and Bureau of Land Management road closures.