Please join the New York Chapter of BHA to hoist a pint for public lands Wednesday, January 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Eli Fish Brewing.
As are all of our Pint Nights, this will be a casual, fun way to meet fellow hunters and anglers, swap stories and learn about BHA and our mission to conserve public lands and waters.
Bring interested family members, friends and co-workers, too. We’ll have BHA merchandise for sale and a special membership deal on tap!
Learn more about BHA and the New York Chapter on the web here and on the chapter's Facebook and Instagram pages.
January 09, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Brett Hebberecht
Who's RSVPing
cody amrhein
Joshua Balisteri
Allen Vongunden
William Harvey
Jared Grossman
Riley Fernan
Jeremy Passinault