Annual Sultan Basin Cleanup
June 23
Starting at 9am
Sultan Basin - Shooting Site
Sultan, WA









28 Attending

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event_title: Annual Sultan Basin Cleanup

event_time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

event_start: June 23, 2024 09:00

event_duration: 180

event_end: June 23, 2024 12:00

event_address: Sultan, WA 98028, United States

event_description: We are hosting a Public Lands clean up on June 23rd starting at 9:00 am in the WA DNR land off the Sultan Basin Road. We have coordinated with WA DNR to help clean up a problem target shooting site that is accumulating a lot of trash.The WA Chapter would love to see you there and get a chance to meet other local members. This is our 3rd year helping out and it is always a fun event. My family and I are planning on target shooting after the event, if anyone else would like to join. More details to come. If you have any questions, please message us!Event Information:Gather at parking area to the shooting pit. Depending on how many people show up, we can open up DNR gates for additional parking shortly down the road.People should bring work gloves, water, snacks. Long sleeve shirts and bug spray are recommended. We could also use metal rakes, magnets on a stick, couple wheelbarrows, shovels.Kids welcome. Up to parents discretion.

Annual Sultan Basin Cleanup

We are hosting a Public Lands clean up on June 23rd starting at 9:00 am in the WA DNR land off the Sultan Basin Road. We have coordinated with WA DNR to help clean up a problem target shooting site that is accumulating a lot of trash.

The WA Chapter would love to see you there and get a chance to meet other local members. This is our 3rd year helping out and it is always a fun event. My family and I are planning on target shooting after the event, if anyone else would like to join. More details to come. If you have any questions, please message us!

Event Information:

Gather at parking area to the shooting pit. Depending on how many people show up, we can open up DNR gates for additional parking shortly down the road.

People should bring work gloves, water, snacks. Long sleeve shirts and bug spray are recommended. We could also use metal rakes, magnets on a stick, couple wheelbarrows, shovels.

Kids welcome. Up to parents discretion.

June 23, 2024 at 9:00am - 12pm
Sultan Basin - Shooting Site
Sultan, WA 98028
United States
Google map and directions
Jon Dykes ·
Brian Iroz John A Ferrera Philip Trump Micah Hegland Brian Nichols Scott Bastin Yushin Cho Raymond Kraft Kristy Dykes Bill Cogley Mark Dempsey Jon Dykes

Who's RSVPing

Brian Iroz
John A Ferrera
Philip Trump
Micah Hegland
Brian Nichols
Scott Bastin
Yushin Cho
Raymond Kraft
Kristy Dykes
Bill Cogley
Mark Dempsey
Jon Dykes

Will you come?