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Alberta Bha
The Alberta Chapter of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, who seek to ensure hunting and fishing in a natural setting. [email protected]

Recent Activity

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-27 09:01:59 -0600
Alberta BHA is an incredible group of outdoor enthusiasts, and our members have stepped-up to volunteer time, energ…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-26 09:56:05 -0600

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-24 19:24:36 -0600
Boats are definitely handy to get to those fishy channels #bhaalberta #keepitpublic #albertaflyfishing #bhacanada

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-23 18:11:01 -0600
Who needs indicators when the dog is keeping an eye on things? #bhaalberta #keepitpublic #albertaflyfishing

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-22 11:01:47 -0600
Excited to announce our first Rendezvous! Join us for workshops, shooting range, fishing, and camping! Link in our…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-20 09:15:12 -0600
At least the wildfire smoke makes pictures look cool #bhaalberta #keepitpublic #albertaflyfishing #bhacanada #spey

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-18 21:05:23 -0600

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-17 22:09:54 -0600
@ratliw Sounds horrible.

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-17 11:09:30 -0600
@ratliw Best way to get them suckered in!

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-17 10:53:49 -0600

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-15 15:09:47 -0600

@alberta_bha retweeted @FWEnforcement 2021-07-14 15:03:51 -0600
We are currently recruiting for a District Fish and Wildlife Officer in Fox Creek & High Prairie. DFWOs are respons…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-14 11:46:46 -0600
Lifetime hunting and fishing licences are prizes!

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-14 10:10:11 -0600
Draw results day can be depressing, and uplifting at the same time. What did you get? #bhaalberta #keepitpublic

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-12 11:15:10 -0600
A huge thank you to these tireless Alberta BHA volunteers who spent last Saturday cleaning up the North Bruderheim,…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-11 16:17:43 -0600

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-09 08:10:10 -0600
Help Alberta BHA cleanup the North Bruderheim Recreation Area, on July 10! Email us for more info. #alberta

@alberta_bha retweeted 2021-07-08 13:40:58 -0600
At BHA we've launched Project Aspen, an effort to raise $1 million dollars in support of our work to conserve our p…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-07 14:00:59 -0600
Now is a great time to join BHA, an organization that gets results! Help protect our Public Lands for hunting and f…

@alberta_bha tweeted. 2021-07-05 14:10:03 -0600
Help Alberta BHA cleanup the North Bruderheim Recreation Area, on July 10! Email us for more info. #alberta

About Alberta

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donations_raised_amount_this_cycle: 0


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