Action Alert - Wisconsin Water Access


As you may have already heard, there is currently a bill proposed that would limit public use of navigable waterways.  AB 599/ SB 506 prevents the DNR from declaring a stream a navigable waterway if a private landowner has dammed that stream. The Wisconsin Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers strongly opposes any limitations to the use of public our public lands and waters. This bill limits the public’s ability to use public waterways.

Additionally, the bill exempts these private landowners from zoning ordinances and erosion control when installing these dams.  This increases the potential of polluted water being sent downstream beyond the section of stream running through the landowner’s property, which could impact other landowners and public waterways.

Both of these bills have already passed out of their committees and are waiting to be brought to be brought up for a vote.

We urge you to contact your representatives and tell them you oppose AB 599/ SB 506.  A phone call is best as you’ll be talking directly with a staffer.  A couple calls from constituents to a representative’s office in a day is enough to make them pay attention.  Please call them today.  And the next day.  And the next day.  Until that representative informs you they oppose the bill.  

Thank you for standing up for your public waters,

Find your Representatives here

TJ Hauge

Wisconsin Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

Public Policy Chair

About Wisconsin BHA Chapter

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