About Us

id about us
Photo by Mike Hanna

We are the Idaho chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA), a non-profit 501(c)(3) grassroots group of sportsmen and women. We are united by a passion to protect and conserve public land forests, mountains, prairies, streams, and lakes that support our hunting and angling traditions. Idaho BHA members are deeply concerned that the traditional backcountry values — solitude, quiet recreation, personal challenge, physical fitness, adventure — which make Idaho hunting and fishing so special, are being compromised. Habitat destruction and the disturbance stemming from development, as well as abuse and overuse by irresponsible motorized recreationists is threatening the very things that we hold most dear. We respect the crucial role that all species play in our diverse ecosystems and seek to ensure that species and habitat management decisions are based on sound science instead of politics.

We believe that undeveloped, unspoiled public lands are irreplaceable and must be managed, along with the fish and wildlife it supports, as a sacred public trust.

About Caitlin Thompson

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