Solitude, spirituality, wild food, challenge and escape were the themes of responses our Facebook Fans gave when we asked "I hunt Wilderness because ____." In recognition of 50 years of the Wilderness Act, we've compiled 50 reasons why BHA fans choose to hunt the Wilderness...
1. I hate hunting in crowds!!!!!!!!! -Robert Benavidez
2. It's therapeutic. -Patrick Smith
3. I seek solitude. -Luke Johnson
4. For the beauty of nature. Its the closest you can come to how the world in its purest form that you can get in touch with. And get in touch with your purest self. -Shawn Maver
5. That's what men do. -Bill Lamb
6. I feel so much closer to what the good lord has given us. -Harold Cohick
7. It is where I belong. -Peter Morrow
8. I do it for the adventure and the challenge. -Sean West
9. There are few humans. -Bryan Lipscy
10. I seek the path less traveled. -Trevor Herrman
11. No ATVs, no Keystone Light cans! -Mark Penninger
12. For the peacefulness of walking through the woods and the heart pounding feeling you get with every sound you hear knowing it could be the game you're after! -Mikal Faucher
13. The whispering winds and lush green forest reminds me of of what happiness truly is. -John A. Jarvis
14. It keeps me from going postal on the local "pumpkin patch." -Adam Neff
15. Where the roads end, the elk begin! -Clayton Palmer
16. It has not been infected by mankind. -Gene Watson
17. I hunt the wilderness -because the wilderness hunts me! -Joe Dow
18. It's my church. -Ryan West
19. It's a great stress reliever to see the peace in nature and transfer that peace within. -Karissa Hendrickson
20. The wilderness boundary is the like a time line, it allows you to see many parts of the world as Muir, Roosevelt and Leopold saw them. Wilderness = Wildness. -Trevor Probandt
21. It keeps me rooted, keeps me connected and keeps me sane; it's where I belong. -David Stalling
22. I'm 70 years old and it keeps me feeling young and alive! Whither I harvest an animal or not. -Mac Jones
23. It nourishes my soul. -Nate Dansie
24. It's rugged, unforgiving and the only way to experience what life has to offer! -Shawn Sabo
25. I feel at peace when I'm in the wilderness. And I also have a family to feed. -Kayla Konya
26. Recognizing our insignificance is liberating. -Gregory MB
27. Its a hunt, not a harvest. -Jesse Shuck
28. The greater the effort, the greater the reward. -Ben Long
29. Hunting in the city is lame. -Neal Herrman
30. No motor vehicles! -Brad Riddle
31. That's what my dad taught me and it's what I'm teaching my kids. -Tim Broome
32. Its like stepping back in time. -Brett Fowers
33. It gives me solace, quality time away from the grind, and a deep connection to those hunters who traveled the same paths before us, unmolested by the modern world. -Land Tawney
34. That's the best place to find the elk! No ATVS, fewer people willing to put in the effort = less pressured game. -Cleve Dixon
35. Its quiet -Clint Moyer
36. Its how I choose to. Not the only way, but the best way. -Shaun Knutzen
37. At sunrise I want to hear an elk bugle not an ATV drive by. -Andy Roosa
38. For spiritually and physically clean foods for my family. -Rick Polzin
39. Its the most civilized place I know. -Jeff Dalton
40. More wildlife than people! -Phil Gordon
41. It is so peaceful and you don't have people running all over you. Plus it is an escape from the every day life of going to work and leaving behind all your worries. -Angelia Smith-Johnson
42. It's a reality check! Back to real reality and helps me escape the virtual reality bubble we typically live in. -Jordan Earlo Tubbs
43. That's where I'm happy! -Steve Reid
44. Days are long, scenery is beautiful, people are few and animals are plentiful. -Roger Sanford
45. I hunt wilderness because then I know my meat was fresh and that there's no additives or preservatives or artificial flavors. -Kristel Maver
46. I don't have to hide from hunters. -Ted Bair
47. It's the only place to feel completely's ability to participate with nature to the fullest possibility. -Robb Leishman
48. That's where the big boys run! -Travis Tate
49. "In wildness is the preservation of the world"—Thoreau, submitted by -Sirhc Nnamuan
50. That's where the animals are. -Armond Acri
Photo courtesy of Dalton Buller Photography