$40 Million Win for Maine Public Lands and Access

On July 1, 2021 Maine Governor Janet Mills signed the new state budget, which includes $40 million to fund the Land for Maine’s Future Program. The LMF Program is the State of Maine’s primary funding vehicle for conserving land and does so by acquiring public land and easements that will allow hunting and angling access in perpetuity. Maine is over 90% privately owned and under increasing development pressure, so funding the LMF Program is critical for the future of hunting, angling and other outdoor recreation in the state

During the 2021 legislative session New England BHA submitted testimony in support of funding the LMF Program, which had not been funded since 2012. Our team issued an Action Alert, and our Maine members contacted their legislators directly in support of funding the program as a result — and lawmakers listened!

From smaller properties like the 100-acre Long Reach Preserve in Harpswell to large tracts such as the 21,000 West Grand Lake Forest in Grand Lake Stream, the LMF Program has protected key habitats throughout Maine for species including landlocked salmon, wild brook trout, deer, moose and black bear.

“Maine’s land ownership and attitudes are changing, and we can no longer take public access for granted” said Rob Bryan, a BHA member from Harpswell. “LMF has enabled me to hunt areas in my home town and fish some of the best waters in the state that had been threatened by development. It’s great to know that future generations will have that access too.”

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is the voice
for our wild public lands, waters and wildlife.


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