2024 Kentucky BHA Year in Review

Exceptional Growth and Impact throughout 2024


2024 has been another year of successful growth for Kentucky Backcountry Hunters & Anglers!   Since its inception and charter in 2019, the Kentucky Chapter has grown exponentially, and that trend continued in 2024. Events were held across the state throughout the year, and we were grateful to see higher attendance at each and every event. Our signature event of the year was our “Small Game Bootcamp- which took place in Paducah, Kentucky- a joint venture with Kevin Murphy’s Small Game Nation. While our events were a huge success, our Chapter also rallied around multiple policy issues, completed several stewardship projects, and fought the battle to keep Kentucky’s public land in public hands and hold on to our heritage as the “Happy Hunting Ground”.

We kicked off January with our traditional Lexington Pint Night along with a continuation of our ever-popular series of events called “KYBHA Conservation Coffee” These events were derived as a twist on our Pint Night concept and Conservation Christmas event format.  Hosted by our local Sportsman’s Warehouse store, Conservation Coffee events were held on a Saturday morning each month from January to March. Free coffee, donuts, door prizes and guest speakers brought out many conservation groups and leaders in the community. We finished the month by tabling for the first time at 2024 Boat, RV and Sport Show, an opportunity to connect with outdoorsmen and women in preparation of the upcoming spring and summer seasons full of outdoors recreation.

February and March brought us to our wood duck box placement project at Harris-Dickerson WMA, followed by a second project installing Goose Nesting Platforms at Peabody WMA and our first ever Walton, KY Pint Night and another Lexington Pint Night and Conservation Coffee events.   

Our legislative season kept us busy and with only two days remaining for bills to be introduced in our 2024 congressional session- Senate Bill 3 showed up on the docket. The bill proposed a realignment of the Kentucky Department Fish and Wildlife Commission structure, placing it under the control and oversite of the state’s Department of Agriculture. The Chapter rallied the troops in the conservation community and formed a powerful coalition to oppose the measure, ultimately leading the bill to die in committee. The KY BHA Chapter led effort solidified our position as conservation policy leaders within the state and strengthened our relationship with lawmakers and sportsmen and women alike. CLICK HERE for more information on this defeat!  

March was rounded out with a virtual Kentucky Elk Talk with state Elk Coordinator John Hast, and our annual spring season preparatory “Turkey Talk” pint night event.

The successes kept coming in April and May with our inaugural “Round Table” Pint Night event in Louisville, another Lexington Pint Night, and multiple joint venture partnership events with state agencies and other conservation groups alike. We showed up in force to the Kentucky Elk Fest, the state’s signature event that hosts a day of conservation celebration in conjunction with conducting the elk tag lottery drawing. Another great stewardship event building fish habitat in partnership with the US Corps of Engineers at Buckhorn Lake created improved angling opportunity.

The summer kicked off with our Small Game Bootcamp signature event (check out our event recap HERE)! From family activities to squirrel skinning demonstrations by Kevin Murphy to an outstanding Asian Carp Tasting conducted by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the event was a huge success for all involved! We rounded out summer with multiple themed Pint Night events, a stewardship event at Higgerson-Henry WMA, and our “Herbert Mackey Memorial Clay Shoot” which brings legislators together for a friendly competition at the trap range- crowning a “Legislative Top Gun”. We joined forces with the Ohio Chapter for a catfishing event on the river, teamed up with Kentucky Waterways Alliance for a “Learn to Fish Event” which brought Humana employees out to the banks of the river to learn some basic fishing skills.


“Public Lands Month” kept the energy rolling, and we teamed up with our state sponsor, Country Boy Brewing to create our first ever KY Public Land Pilsner. Three Pint Nights were held to showcase the Public Lands Pilsner and over 1,500 pints were sold!

Our annual Fall Trout Stocking at the Red River Gorge- in partnership with the Fisheries Division of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife- was once again a huge success! BHA representation was 30+ showing that our members are willing to show up for events that increase public land opportunities! While our tribe was out enjoying the fall hunting seasons, we still kept the ball rolling with multiple Pint Nights, a habitat project at Taylorsville Lake, and our annual Conservation Christmas event where good fellowship and holiday cheer brought a very busy 2024 to a close for the Kentucky Chapter!


We could not be more grateful for our members and supporters for making the Kentucky Chapter shine all year! As always, we couldn’t be as successful at our endeavors without the support of our dedicated sponsors:

We look forward to growing this list and expanding what the chapter has to offer. Check out the State Sponsor page of the website HERE. If you would like to get involved more with conservation and public lands, please contact the chapter at [email protected]

2025 is fast approaching and the Kentucky Chapter will be back in action! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay informed and be sure to also follow the Murray State University Collegiate Club on Instagram. You can also frequently check out the Kentucky BHA Chapter page on the BHA website, CLICK HERE to access! We can’t wait to see you at one of our events or out on our spectacular public lands and waters!


About Kentucky BHA

Our chapter is dedicated to serving the interests of conservation and access to clean public lands and waters. Through planning, collaboration, and dedication, we will make a difference.

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