Do you know an individual who deserves to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to conservation or our organization? This is your chance to help us honor their work with one of our 2022 Awards! Award recipients are announced annually at the North American Rendezvous, set this year for May 12-14 in Missoula, Montana!
Take this opportunity to nominate individuals or chapters for the following awards:
- The Jim Posewitz Award for advancing ethical, responsible behavior in the hunting and fishing fields by example, leadership or education
- The Rachel L. Carson Award for an outstanding emerging leader
- The Aldo Leopold Award for outstanding effort conserving terrestrial wildlife habitat
- The Sigurd F. Olson Award for outstanding effort conserving rivers, lakes or wetland habitat
- The Ted Trueblood Award for outstanding communication on behalf of backcountry habitat and values
- The Larry Fischer Award for outstanding corporate contribution to BHA’s mission
- The George Bird Grinnell Award for the outstanding BHA chapter of the year
- The Mike Beagle-Chairman’s Award for outstanding effort on behalf of BHA
Nominate individuals and chapters via the form below. The final deadline for nominations is Friday, April 1. Awardees will be announced at BHA’s North American Rendezvous, Missoula, Montana, May 12-14, 2022.
A list of prior award winners can be found here.