2020 Planning Session: Idaho BHA adds new board members and creates big plans

The Idaho Chapter Board Members, Region Reps and key volunteers met in Donnelly, Idaho for a long weekend of strategic planning for 2020.  Discussion topics included stewardship projects, fundraising events and how to better engage with policy issues on a State level. 

Two new board members were elected to the Idaho Chapter board of directors.  Logan Eres was elected as chapter Secretary and Todd Syruws was elected as board member and chair of the Events, Membership and Fundraising committee.  Hunter Johnstone was also elected as Regional Rep for Region 6. 

The Idaho Chapter continued to strengthen a committee process that was started in 2019 by identifying key volunteers to fill out roles and take responsibility for stewardship projects, policy engagement and communications.  A total of 54 stewardship and membership events were discussed as opportunities in the coming year. 

Key conservation issues such as wildlife migration, highway overpass/underpasses, illegal motorized use, illegal dumping and salmon and steelhead recovery were discussed in detail.  Significant thought was given to the upcoming legislative session and the potential threats and opportunities to public lands in Idaho. 

While a long, deliberative process, the team did manage to have a little fun.  Wild game meals were prepared and eaten throughout the weekend.  A BB-gun shooting competition went to overtime to decide the winner with Hunter Johnstone taking the first place trophy. Heckling was encouraged throughout the competition and the occasional remark was overheard that the barrel of the pink Daisy had an incompatible twist rate for the copper BB ammo.  

Idaho BHA would like to thank Ed Anderson (@edandersonart) for his generous donation of the use of the No Business Lodge for this meeting. 

The Idaho BHA board and leadership is very excited about the plans and capabilities of the chapter going into 2020! 




About Idaho BHA

The Idaho chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is a group united by a passion to protect and conserve public land forests, mountains, prairies, streams and lakes that support our hunting and angling traditions.

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